Normal Versus Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

Normal Versus Abnormal Vaginal Discharge

The vagina is it’s own ecosystem/microbiome and natural cleaner comprised of many different types and amounts of various bacteria and natural microorganisms that balance and fluctuate related to hormonal, menstrual, menopausal, sexual and personal care factors. Clear or white vaginal discharge with a mild natural odor is normal and changes throughout the menstrual cycle. Normally the vagina is happiest and asymptomatic without problems when it’s PH is acidic. When the PH changes to a less acidic level, a shift in the volume of bacteria can occur and allow certain bacteria or fungus to overgrow and predominate resulting in a variety of symptoms including bacterial vaginosis and candida/yeast:  

Yeast infection symptoms typically include a white to light yellowish, clumpy, sweet-smelling discharge with vaginal and vulvar irritation and occasional external burning with urination. Yeast can sometimes present with other, more vague symptoms. Treatments include lifestyle changes, creams and pills.  

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) symptoms include a malodorous fishy-smelling discharge that can be frothy. Sometimes an odor is present without discharge. Bacterial vaginosis symptoms can mimic another sexually transmitted infection called trichomoniasis. The imbalance of bacteria that occurs during BV can increase the risk of acquiring an STI if one is present. Women that have symptoms of a malodorous discharge for more than a few days, should be checked for BV. Treatments include pills or vaginal gel. Condoms and lifestyle changes help prevent the overgrowth of the types of bacterial overgrowth that cause BV. PH changes that occur throughout the month are related to the menstrual cycle, sexual activity, and hygiene issues and can spontaneously shift at any time.